Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Monday, February 16, 2009
Mary Grace's Trike-a-thon
Here is the video for her Trike-a-thon:
Not So Terrible Twos

I call it memories that I don’t want to lose
Trains that he deeply loves
Affectionately he calls them “choo-choos”
A bit shy around strangers
Hiding behind dad’s leg
When he senses dangers
His hidden stare lingers
The first is one he calls “Gace”
Clearly, she brings a smile to his face
Bed time stories or all of her snuggles
No one can explain a Mother’s love
Playing with cars or working a puzzle
Into her neck he loves to nuzzle
Surely, that’s definitely the truth
When a ball is a favorite toy
His deep, belly laugh at play brings sheer joy
All goes away when I hear him say,
“I’m Sawry” or “Otay”
Yes, there are rough days
That come when he’s whiny and a bad attitude
But, it’s priceless when we hear “I wub you”
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Big Questions For Such A Little Girl
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I thought we'd give this blogging thing a try...
Last night we were driving back from vacation through the night because because Ben had been rudely awoken by the fire alarm in the hotel and refused to go back to sleep. So, at 3:30 am I was driving and thinking.
I started by praying that I would stay awake as I drove. Then I began to think of the ways that God has revealed himself to me. I have met Him in real ways through scripture and worship. The more I thought I began to realize that I have seen Christ most through people in my life. Some have been beautiful, wonderful ways while a few have been painful or frustrating.
First, when God said that it was not good for man to be alone, He knew what he was talking about, especially this one. I am thankful for my beautiful bride of almost 8 years. Dana without a doubt is the better half in this marriage. She has taught me so much about unconditional love, patience, forgiveness, parenting, and many other things. My parenting skills are basically mirroring what I have seen Dana already doing with the kids. One of my favorite gifts of hers is that she is a prayer warrior. I take comfort in the fact that she prays for me, our kids, our family, and our ministry.
There have also been a handful of guys that God has put in my path that have loved me and have been God's tool to sharpen me. Each one of these men of God have shown me a glimpse into who Jesus Christ is.
Also, my family and those who feel like family (although we're not blood related) know me to my core and love me anyway. They have seen my temper and experienced my selfishness. They have extended the hand of grace to me. I have learned to love by the way they have loved me.
As I was driving and thanking God for these people in my life I want to strive more to reflect the love and life of Jesus Christ to the people in my life. I want to play more with my family and work less while I am at home. I want to listen more and speak less. I want to forgive freely and not hold grudges. I want to love others the way that I am loved by first Christ and then others in my life.